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Monday, May 7, 2018

My 5-Day Mantra to Prevent Workplace Burnout

Dealing with workplace burnout is all about mind over matter. To overcome workplace burnout and function effectively at work, you need to have a way to see beyond all the stress and pressure. I wish I had super human powers that could make me immune from stress but as it turned out I was just as human as the next guy and highly susceptible to burnout. During my first few months working in a call center, my 5-day energy level would look something like the illustration below :

But I was not willing to let workplace burnout beat me. Over time, I learned to develop a system I call my 5-Day Motivation Mantra which helped me a lot in overcoming everyday stress at work and beating workplace burnout. This was the same 5-day mantra I taught my team later on as a sup. It’s not rocket science. In fact, it’s so simple I bet y’all can quickly learn this mantra in as little as two minutes. The best part is this mantra actually works!

My 5-Day Mantra to Prevent Workplace Burnout


Normally, after two days rest, I’d feel refreshed and fully charged and coming to work on Day One should be no problem.


Day two is when my energy level starts going down and the week starts to get challenging. To overcome these obstacles, I start Day Two with Goal Setting basically reminding myself where I’m currently at and where I need to be by week’s end. I motivate myself with the thought that every bonus and cash incentive I make will go a long way towards paying for my mom’s medication and chemotherapy. Whenever you’re feeling low, just think of your goals and why you’re doing what you’re doing and this should give you that much needed boost. Oh, by the way, after five years treatment, mom was declared cancer-free in 2015!


It had been a rough week so far but thankfully I’ve made it to the middle of the work week! On Day Three, I tell myself “After today, it’s all downhill from here!


By day four, my energy level is already running low but I know I have one more day to go. I take a deep breath and tell myself: “Day Four! One day more!


This is it pancit! Finally I made it to day five! LAST DAY! LAST DAY! WOOHOO!!!


Like everything else that’s redundant in our work as call center agents, I repeat this mantra every week without fail and I will attest that this mantra worked like a charm for me during the six years I was with the industry. My primary goal back then was to complete mom’s chemotherapy and when mom was finally declared cancer-free after five years of treatment, I had completed my goal and after that I decided to move on to other interests. Nonetheless, I will be forever grateful to the call center industry for being instrumental in completing mom’s treatment. Sharing these helpful tips and information is my small way of paying it forward to the industry that helped me so much.

Have a great week!

Dealing With Burnout in the Workplace


  1. Great tips for us call center employees. Work can be really repetitive and can burnout your body fast.

  2. This is so on point what ever the industry you may be! especially the mid week mantra!
