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Tuesday, November 7, 2017


We're all only as good as our last call. Often, no matter how best we took care of our customers, we still get hit with detractors. And when our performance (and survival) on the job is based on NET PROMOTER SCORE (NPS), it's easy to see why some reps resort to "vet moves" and other "unconventional tactics" just to avoid those detractors.

And it's not too difficult to spot who's doing those "vet moves". Usually, they prefer to sit far away from the team and often linger after shift doing "notes". And you really can't blame them for resorting to vet moves. Their job is on the line. I mean, thank heavens for pitstops but you can only be on pitstop once or twice before management endorses you to HR. And good luck with the so called HR "hearing" because that's just a formality as required by law but 99.9% your fate is already sealed.

Survival is one thing but using vet moves habitually just to be a top performer is something else. I must admit I had resorted to and tolerated certain "unconventional tactics" as a sup mainly for the team's survival and only for survival. I am not proud of what I had to do back then and I paid a high price for that. But to see teams and individuals proudly flaunting their top performer awards and rockstar status knowing they had resorted to vet moves and unconventional tactics makes me sick. They're only cheating themselves. Am I being bitter? You bet I am!

It's sad to see people habitually resorting to unconventional tactics and vet moves to avoid detractors instead of simply going the EXTRA MILE to make certain the customer is happy with the resolution.

Sure they're a rockstar today but what's their guarantee they won't get caught and terminated tomorrow?

Letting your customers feel that you are genuinely sincere listening to their concerns, providing solutions efficiently and going the extra mile for them are among the best ways to get your promoters. Go check previous notes or ask your customer if this was the first time they called about the issue. If this was the first time then GOOD JOB for solving the problem right away! First Call Resolutions almost always become promoters!

However, if customer had already called several times about the same issue and you feel there is a possibility that your customer is not too happy even if you were able to resolve the issue, it would be wise to let the customer feel that "although the issue was not resolved right away as much as we all wanted to, there was a continuous team effort on our part to help find the best solution for you." I know this is bull but this sure beats guessing whether you get a promoter from a customer you helped or getting a detractor for some other rep's failure to resolve the issue much sooner.

Detractors will always be there. It's a fact. But as long as you can CONSISTENTLY provide excellent customer service efficiently, then you should have more than enough promoters to cover for your detractors. That's how the NPS math works. That's how you become a true Rockstar!

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