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Sunday, November 19, 2017


“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained, you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
                          The Art of War

Suffice to say, knowing yourself – your strengths and your weaknesses – is crucial in winning over every challenge you face in your professional and personal life. If communicating effectively using the English language is of vital importance with the work you do, then knowing your English proficiency rating can go a long way in identifying your strong points as well as your opportunities for improvement. And it’s always a good idea to rate your English proficiency against internationally recognized benchmarks such as IELTS, TOEFL, CEFR and CAMBRIDGE since these organizations not only certify English proficiency rating but also identify areas where you need to improve. A certified English proficiency rating is so much better than just saying your English is “good” or “above average”.

And because in the course of my research I have come across and had taken a CEFR ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST, I strongly urge you, in fact I challenge you, to take the CEFR ENGLISH PROFICIENCY TEST yourself just for you to certify and rate how good your English really is. CEFR rating ranges from A1 (NOVICE) to C2 (SUPERIOR). The challenge is to rank at least a B2 (ADVANCED MEDIUM) or better. If you’re up to the challenge, CLICK on this LINK.

After you have taken the test and rated, CLICK this LINK to show you where you need to improve on. After all, the objective here is to identify your weak spot and improve on it. After brushing up on your grammar, take the test again and see how much improvement you've made. BRAVO!

Since effective communication requires effective speaking as well as effective listening, I encourage you to take the LISTENING TEST as well. An effective speaker MUST also be an effective listener. The challenge here is to rank B2 or higher for both listening and English proficiencies. Just a heads-up, the LISTENING TEST has a couple of chaps speaking with a thick British accent. If you can understand what these Brits are saying and get a high proficiency rating for your listening test, then you should have no trouble understanding American accent. To take the LISTENING PROFICIENCY TEST, CLICK this LINK

You can finish both proficiency tests in under 30 minutes. Should you get a high rating for both tests (B2, C1 or C2) do a screenshot and post them on FB. You've earned your bragging rights. Then TAG a friend or friends you want to challenge. That would be so much fun!!!

The challenge has been set. Go ahead and take these proficiency tests and certify how good you really are. Enjoy.

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